On Wednesday 30th October 2019 at the Redhill and Reigate Masonic Centre, Nutfield Lodge, Redhill, Surrey, the Most Distinguished Companion, Ian Stanley Currans, VI, Grand Summus, Consecrated the Warlingham Consistory number 134 in the Provincial Grand Senatus of Surrey.

A team of willing volunteers arrived early to set up the Temple. At 9.30 am the Grand Director of Ceremonies, V.Dist.Comp. Phillip Purvis, held a rehearsal of the Consecration Ceremony with the Founders of the Consistory.

Our Provincial Grand Summus, R.Dist.Comp. Louis M Keats was asked to act as the Deputy Grand Summus for the Ceremony. Here is our Provincial Grand Summus with the Assistant Grand Summus, R.Dist.Comp. Howard S Markham.

By 11.45 the Companions were all seated in the Temple and the Consecrating Officer, M.Dist.Comp. Ian S Currans, accompanied by his Assisting Officers entered in procession.

The Consecrating Officer took the Chair, appointed his Officers and opened a Consistory of the Order. The Acting Grand Organist, Comp. Richard Baker, played the Opening Hymn.

The Consecrating Officer was then saluted under the direction of the Grand Director of Ceremonies. The Consecrating Officer addressed the Companions on the object of the meeting and called upon the Grand Episcopus to give the Opening Prayer (click here to read the Consecrating Officer’s address).
The Petitioners were arranged in order in the West while the Warrant was read. The Consecrating Officer then enquired of the Petitioners if they approved of the President and Officers named in the Warrant. The Petitioners signified their assent with the sign of approval and the Consecrating Officer Constituted the Consistory.
A most interesting Oration was given by the Grand Episcopus, R.Dist.Comp. Charles J Aspinell, RD, JP, VI, PAGS, on the nature and principles of the Order with a link to the name Warlingham and it’s meeting place, Nutfield (click here to read the Oration).
The Consecrating Officer, Primus of Lectores and Primus of Ostiarii carried the elements of Consecration three times around the Consistory. On the first circuit the Consecrating Officer scattered corn - the emblem of abundance and plenty; on the second circuit he poured wine - the emblem of joy and gladness; on the third circuit he sprinkled oil - the emblem of peace and harmony.

The Petitioners were arranged in order around the Scarlet Cord and the Consecrating Officer strewed salt - the emblem of fidelity, hospitality and everlasting friendship. The Consecrating Officer Dedicated the Consistory and the Grand Episcopus perambulated the Consistory three times, censing. After the Dedication Prayer the Petitioners were arranged in order in the West while the Consecrating Officer Consecrated the Consistory.
Following the Consecration the Installing Officer Installed the President Elect, R.Dist. Comp. Michael F Barnes, VI, PProvGS, who Appointed and Invested Em.Comp. Chris Eley as Primus of Lectores, and Em.Comp. Simon McCarthy as Primus of Ostiarii.

The First Officers of the Consistory present were invested by the President.

The By-Laws of the Consistory were approved and the Consecrating Officer and his Assisting Officers were elected as Honorary Members. The Most Distinguished Grand Summus thanked the Companions of Warlingham Consistory for the honour conferred on them and said that as many live near to Nutfield we may be seeing them from time to time.
The Consecrating Officer accompanied by his Assisting Officers retired in procession and general Consistory business was conducted. The Consistory was closed and after photographs to commemorate the day were taken we retired to the bar.

We then went into the main dining room where the Founders and their guests dined together in perfect harmony honouring Loyal and Masonic Toasts.

Click here to see all the photographs of the day.
Article and photos by Chris Eley
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