The latest meeting of the Consistory was held at Surbiton Masonic Hall on 27th February 2013 and was opened by the President, Dist Comp Arnold Long at 11.30am who welcomed the members and visitors.
R Dist Comp Michael Barnes, Provincial Grand Summus the Official Visitor - was then announced and Received by the Companions, and he was duly saluted under the direction of the acting Provincial Grand Director of Ceremonies.
The Companions received a Eulogy in memory of the late R Dist Companion Barry Clarke, Deputy Grand Summus who had passed to the Grand Consistory above on 21st November 2012 at the age of 69; he was a very well known companion to all, and he will be sadly missed. The Companions stood in memory of departed merit.
This being the Election Meeting and Em Comp Frank Powell being the only candidate for President, Em Comp Frank was duly declared President-elect and he thanked the companions for their confidence in electing him to that high office. He will be installed at the next meeting of the Consistory on Thursday, 18th July 2013.
The President and his Officers then conducted the ceremony of the 3rd Grade which was conferred on Comps Anthony Deitch, Leslie Grout & David Willmott of the Consistory, Comp Tamba John of Hill of Zion Consistory No 52 T.I. and Comp David Alexander of The Scarlet Cord Consistory T.I. of London. The ceremony was carried out in a polished manner, and the final Lecture was given by R Dist Comp Michael Barnes, Provincial Grand Summus in an interesting and faultless manner.
Following the meeting, the Companions enjoyed a friendly and enjoyable meal at the festive board.
