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The Second Annual Meeting of the Province was held at Surbiton Masonic Hall on Thursday, 21st July 2011. The meeting was presided over by the Provincial Grand Summus - R Dist Comp Michael Barnes. We were pleased to welcome 25 Guests from around the UK - a number of whom had journeyed from as far away as Hampshire, Gloucestershire, South Wales, Lancashire, Essex and Kent. The Provincial Grand Summus was pleased to re-appoint V Dist Comp Laurie Young, PGLect, as the Deputy Provincial Grand Summus, and Dist Comp Eric Trodd, PAGDC, as Assistant Provincial Grand Summus. He was also pleased to welcome a number of new members who had joined the Order since the last Annual Meeting. A full list of Provincial Officers for the year 2011 - 2012 appears elsewhere on this website The Provincial Meeting was followed by the Installation Meeting of Surrey Consistory No 4, during which Dist Comp John Rice was installed as President of the Consistory for the ensuing year. The outgoing President, V Dist Comp Laurie Young, conducted the ceremony in an excellent manner and with great dignity. A total of 66 Members, Guests and Visitors attended the meeting, and 48 Companions later enjoyed an excellent lunch at the Festive Board. |