It was a busy week in the Scarlet Cord with the Most Distinguished Grand Summus and his team engaged in Wednesday's conferrals of the 4th and 5th Grades, followed on Thursday by the Annual Convocation of Grand Senatus, all held at Mark Masons' Hall.
First up was the 5th Grade Conferral with 35 Candidates in attendance to receive the Grade in recognition of their continuing devoted service to the Order.

A buffet lunch was served before the Conferral team returned to the Grand Temple to receive a further 69 Candidates ready to be admitted to the 4th Grade, another award of merit for service to the Order. Surrey Companions receiving their 4th Grade were Dist.Comps. Robert Anderson, John Coleman, Mark Currans, Chris Eley, Hugh Everett, and Alastair Mackenzie.

The Representative Candidate for the 4th Grade was Dist.Comp. John H Prizeman, Pro Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Mark Master Masons.

It was certainly one of the most impressive ceremonies I have experienced in Freemasonry. After the ceremony the Consistory was closed by the Grand Summus who retired from the Temple…

… greeting everyone on the way out.

The Grand Summus, Deputy Grand Summus, Assistant Grand Summus and the Grand Director of Ceremonies afterwards returned for a group photograph with some of the candidates.

The two ceremonies successfully completed, the Grand Summus and his Officers quickly had to turn their attentions to Thursday's meeting of Grand Senatus.

This saw the Grand Temple filled to capacity with representatives from across the Constitution worldwide, including many Surrey Companions.

The members of the Grand Tzaddikim included our own Bob Tuthill, Mark Currans and Robert Short.

Our Provincial Grand Summus was present…

…as were V.Dist.Comps. Ian Smith and Jack Love, seen here with R.Dist.Comp. Paul Clement, the Grand Master of Great Priory of Knights Templar.

….and Dist.Comp. John Prizeman who received his 4th Grade the day before.

The Grand Summus, M.Dist.Comp. Ian Stanley Currans, VI, presided over the meeting, ably assisted by a full team of Grand Officers.

Following the initial items of business, the Deputy Grand Summus, R.Dist.Comp. Francis Charles Spencer, proposed the re-election of Ian Stanley Currans as Grand Summus. This was seconded by the President of the Executive Committee, R.Dist.Comp. Trevor Currans. The proposition was confirmed with acclamation from the Companions present and the Grand Summus was duly Proclaimed by the Grand Director of Ceremonies, Phillip Purves.
mus then announced he would be re- appointing R.Dist.Comp. Francis Charles Spencer as Deputy Grand Summus, and R.Dist.Comp. Howard Saul Markham as Assistant Grand Summus.

These re-appointments having been announced and Proclaimed, it was time to appoint and invest the other active Grand Officers of the year, followed by those receiving Promotion in, or appointment to, Grand Rank. The Surrey Companions honoured with Grand Rank were Dist.Comp. Ray Hussey who received a promotion to Past Grand Lecturer and Dist.Comp. John Norton-Doyle who was appointed Grand Steward.
Following further items of business, the Grand Summus took the opportunity to address Grand Senatus. He highlighted the growth of the Order, now at its largest membership number ever, and the importance of our Companions also continuing their activity in the Order of the Secret Monitor as our recruiting ground.
He went on to greet all the Provincial and District Grand Summi he had the pleasure of appointing since the last Convocation, and the Grand Inspector for the Inspectorate of France, where the team had enjoyed their visit last October.

The Scarlet Cord has seen considerable growth in the last twelve months and there are already a number of Consecrations planned in the next six months, as well as a return visit to France. The heads of other Orders were then welcomed, as were visitors from overseas.
Finally, there were thanks to the Grand Recorder and the Secretariat at MMH, the Grand Director of Ceremonies and his ceremonial team, and, most importantly, all those who make the Order work, whether at Consistory, Provincial/District, or Grand level. M.Dist.Comp. Ian expressed his gratitude to everyone in these categories for helping keep the Order strong and vibrant.
There being no further business, Grand Senatus was closed and the Grand Summus greeted everyone on leaving the Temple.

We then retired for refreshment.

After three very successful meetings, the Grand Summus and his team were finally able to relax and reflect on a job well done.

Article by Dan Heath and Chris Eley, and photos by Chris Eley and Bob Tuthill
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