The 2023 Annual Meetings of the Provincial Grand Senatus of Sussex and the Provincial Grand Conclave of Sussex took place on Saturday the 29th of April at the East Brighton Masonic Centre at Peacehaven.

It was a lovely sunny day for a trip to the seaside. We were warmly welcomed on our arrived by our Sussex friends…

…especially the Provincial Grand Summus / Provincial Grand Supreme Ruler, Dries van der Burgh, seen here with Dist.Comp. Angus Cameron.

There were honoured guests from many Provinces…

…including the Assistant Grand Summus, R.Dist.Comp. Howard S Markham…

…and Heads of Other Orders in Sussex.

By 10.45 am everyone was seated in the Temple and just after 10.50 am the Companions were called to order to receive the Right Distinguished Companions.

by the Provincial Grand Director of Ceremonies, to receive the Provincial Officers of the year.

The Provincial Grand Summus, R.Dist.Comp. Dries van der Burgh, led by the Provincial Grand Sword Bearer, and followed by the Provincial Grand Standard Bearer entered in procession through an Arch of Steel.

Provincial Grand Senatus was opened in due form by the Provincial Grand Summus, who was saluted with seven under the direction of the Provincial Grand Director of Ceremonies. Provincial Grand Senatus was then pleased to receive the Assistant Grand Summus, R.Dist.Comp. Howard S Markham, who entered under an Arch of Steel, was welcomed by the Provincial Grand Summus who offered him the baton. The Assistant Grand Summus politely declined saying that the Province has a lot of work to get through that morning. The Assistant Grand Summus was saluted with nine under the direction of his Escorting Officer, Dist.Comp. Toby Pratt, Deputy Grand Director of Ceremonies.

After the regular business of Provincial Grand Senatus had been completed, the Provincial Grand Summus announced that he was re-appointing Dist.Comp. Ronald W Collins as Deputy Provincial Grand Summus and Dist.Comp. Paul D Swarbrick, JP, as Assistant Provincial Grand Summus.
After appointing or promoting the Officers of Provincial Grand Senatus for the ensuing year the Provincial Grand Summus addressed Provincial Grand Senatus. In his Address he said thank you to his DC and Recorder and their teams for all they had done to make the meeting such a success. He said that if there was one thing he wanted everyone to take away from the meeting it was the need to focus on membership, recruiting and retaining new members. He congratulated those Companions who will be receiving Grand Rank at the upcoming meeting of Grand Senatus. He individually welcomed all the honoured guests, thanking them for their support for the Provincial Grand Senatus of Sussex.

The Provincial Grand Summus invited the Assistant Grand Summus to address the meeting. R.Dist.Comp. Howard Markham complemented the Provincial Grand Summus on presiding over an excellent meeting. He brought greetings from our Grand Summus. He said that our Order is going from strength to strength. With 8 new Consistories being Consecrated between now and the end of September we are the fasted growing Order administered by Mark Masons Hall. He congratulated those Companions receiving their 4th and 5th Grades next week, plus those receiving appointment or promotion at Grand Senatus. He ended by saying what a delight it has been for him to be with us all this morning.
The meeting was then called to order and closed in due form. The Provincial Grand Summus, the Deputy Provincial Grand Summus, and the Assistant Provincial Grand Summus, together with the Assistant Grand Summus, honoured guests and Provincial Officers then left the Temple in procession…

…greeting their guests on the way out.

The Temple was then rearranged for the meeting of the Provincial Grand Conclave of Sussex, presided over by R.Wy.Bro. Dries van der Burgh, Provincial Grand Supreme Ruler. After the meeting the Brethren of the Provincial Grand Conclave of Surrey got together with our Provincial Grand Supreme Ruler for a group photo.

After refreshments in the bar…

… we made our way into the dining room where the Brethren and Companions of the Province of Sussex and their guests sat down to a most convivial meal at the East Brighton Masonic Centre.

This was a joint Scarlet Cord and OSM Festive Board with R.Wy.Bro. Keith Fergusson and R.Dist.Comp. Howard Markham as the guests of honour.

In proposing the toast to the Deputy Grand Supreme Ruler and the Assistant Grand Summus the Provincial Grand Supreme Ruler/Provincial Grand Summus thanked them both for coming along to make this a very special day for the Brethren and Companions of Sussex.

What better way to end a most enjoyable day at the seaside than an ice cream on the pier…

Article and photos by Chris Eley
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