The Installation meeting of Hill of Zion Consistory No 52 T.I. took place on Friday the 21st April 2023 at Croydon. Present was our Deputy Provincial Grand Summus, Dist.Comp. Nigel Thomson, a member of the Consistory.
The Consistory was opened in the First Grade of the Order by the President, Dist.Comp. James Smith, who welcomed all the guests and visitors. The main item on the agenda was to Install Em.Comp. Alastair Richardson as President. This was done in a most sincere manner by Dist.Comp. James Smith.
After the appointment and investiture of the officers, Dist.Comp. Alastair was congratulated by the Deputy Provincial Grand Summus.

After the regular business of the Consistory had been completed the Consistory was closed, and everyone got together for the usual photographs before re-arranging the Temple for the Conclave meeting.

At the Conclave meeting they inducted another candidate into the Order, Bro. John Waggott. I don’t think it will be long before Bro. John joins the Scarlet Cord.

Article and photos by Chris Eley
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