On Saturday the 4th of March 2023 at Brook House Masonic Hall in Botley in Hampshire the Grand Summus of the Ancient and Masonic Order of the Scarlet Cord, Most Distinguished Companion Ian Stanley Currans, installed Right Distinguished Companion Richard Charles William Batchelor, V. P.G.V.Chan., as the Provincial Grand Summus of the Province of Hampshire, Isle of Wight, and the Channel Islands.

After a very good journey down to Hampshire the coffee and bacon butties were gratefully received, and thankfully applied.

We then made our way upstairs to the Temple where the Grand Director of Ceremonies and his team were finishing their rehearsals.

While the rest of us were able to catch up with some old friends.

Meanwhile, the Grand Team were having their photographs taken with Provincial Grand Summus Designate, the Deputy Provincial Grand Summus Designate, and the Assistant Provincial Grand Summus Designate.

There were many Provincial Summi who came along to support the Provincial Grand Summus of the Province of Hampshire, Isle of Wight and the Channel Islands at his installation…

…including delegations from Surrey…

…and Kent.

The Presiding Officer opened Provincial Grand Senatus. The Installing Officer, M.Dist.Comp. Ian S Currans, accompanied by the Assisting Officers of Grand Senatus, entered, assumed the Chair and appointed his Officers.
The Installing Officer was saluted under the direction of the Grand Director of Ceremonies. R.Dist.Comp. Phillip Purves. He then directed the Assistant Grand Recorder to call the Roll of Consistories in the Province, following which he addressed the Companions assembled and announced that he has appointed R.Dist.Comp. Richard Charles William Batchelor, V, P.G.V.Chan., as the Provincial Grand Summus for the Province of Hampshire, Isle of Wight, and the Channel Islands. The Grand Director of Ceremonies announced that the Provincial Grand Summus designate was in attendance and requests to be admitted so that he may be installed. The Installing Officer directed the Grand Director of Ceremonies to form an escort and introduce the Provincial Grand Summus designate. The Provincial Grand Summus designate-and his escort entered in procession.

The Installing Officer addressed the Provincial Grand Summus designate and then directed the Assistant Grand Recorder to read the Patent of Appointment. After a prayer the Provincial Grand Summus designate was obligated, invested and installed as Provincial Grand Summus. He was proclaimed and saluted under the direction of the Grand Director of Ceremonies.

The Deputy Grand Director of Ceremonies enquired of the Provincial Grand Summus whom he appoints as Deputy Provincial Grand Summus. The Provincial Grand Summus announced that he is appointing Dist.Comp. Alan Roy Flux, P.A.G.D.C. as Deputy Provincial Grand Summus and requested the Deputy Grand Director of Ceremonies to form an escort and introduce the Deputy Provincial Grand Summus designate.

The Deputy Provincial Grand Summus designate and his escort entered in procession. The Provincial Grand Summus addressed the Deputy Provincial Grand Summus designate and requested the Assistant Grand Recorder to read the Patent of Appointment. After a prayer the Deputy Provincial Grand Summus designate was obligated, invested, and installed. He was proclaimed and saluted under the direction of the Deputy Grand Director of Ceremonies.
The Deputy Grand Director of Ceremonies enquired of the Provincial Grand Summus whom he appoints as Assistant Provincial Grand Summus. The Provincial Grand Summus announced that he is appointing Dist.Comp. Michael Bryan Le Conte as Assistant Provincial Grand Summus and requested the Deputy Grand Director of Ceremonies to form an escort and introduce the Assistant Provincial Grand Summus designate.

The Assistant Provincial Grand Summus designate and his escort entered in procession. The Provincial Grand Summus addressed the Assistant Provincial Grand Summus designate and requested the Assistant Grand Recorder to read the Patent of Appointment. After a prayer the Assistant Provincial Grand Summus designate was obligated, invested, and installed. He was proclaimed and saluted under the direction of the Deputy Grand Director of Ceremonies.
The Provincial Grand Summus addressed the Installing Officer thanking him and his team for making this a very special day, for himself and the Province of Hampshire, Isle of Wight and the Channel Islands. The Installing Officer, accompanied by Assisting Grand Officers, retired from the District Grand Council.

After the regular business of Provincial Grand Senatus had been completed the Provincial Grand Summus appointed and invested the Officers of Provincial Grand Senatus for the ensuing year.

The Provincial Grand Summus addressed Provincial Grand Senatus. He welcomed the many honoured guests and heads of orders thanking them for their support. He said that his aim was to unite all four islands with an ever-increasing bond of fraternity. He congratulated everyone he appointed that day, as well as those who will receive Grand Rank at the meeting of Grand Senatus on the 4th of May. He closed by thanking the Director of Ceremonies and the Recorder and their teams for all the work they had put in to make the day such a success, as well as everyone for attending today.
Provincial Grand Senatus was closed in due form and the Provincial Grand Summus, the Deputy Provincial Grand Summus, the Assistant Provincial Grand Summus and the Provincial Officers of the year, and honoured guests, retired from Provincial Grand Senatus.

After a most enjoyable morning we all made our way home to our Provinces wishing the Province of Hampshire, Isle of Wight and the Channel Islands every success in the future.

Article and photos by Chris Eley
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