Tuesday the 31st of January was a busy afternoon for Warlingham Scarlet Cord Consistory No 134 and Warlingham OSM Conclave No 291 with an Official Visit by the Deputy Provincial Grand Summus, an installation and a 3rd Grade Ceremony in the Scarlet Cord, and a visit from the Deputy Provincial Grand Supreme Ruler, and a talk from the Supreme Ruler in the OSM.
Warlingham Consistory was opened by the President, Dist.Comp. Simon McCarthy, who welcomed everyone, especially the visitors. The Deputy Provincial Grand Summus, Dist Comp. Nigel Thomson was received and welcomed into his Consistory by Companion President and saluted with five under the direction of the Provincial Grand Director of Ceremonies, Dist.Comp. Ian Bloodworth.
Em.Comp. Bob Tuthill was installed as President by Dist.Comp. Simon McCarthy. Dist.Comp. Bob was congratulated by the Deputy Provincial Summus who wished him an enjoyable year. The Officers of the Consistory for the ensuing year were then appointed and invested.

The next item on the agenda was to promote to the Third Grade of the Order, Companions Robert Short, Steve Jones and Alan Boniface. The ceremony was conducted in an excellent manner by R.Dist. Comp. Mik Barnes, Past Provincial Grand Summus and the Officers of the Consistory. The three Companions were congratulated by the Past Provincial Grand Summus.

The Consistory was then closed, and the Temple re-arranged for the OSM meeting that followed. The Conclave was opened by the Supreme Ruler, Wy Bro David John Blackburn, P.G.Stwd, P.Prov. G.V. The Deputy Provincial Grand Supreme Ruler, Wy.Bro. Ian Bloodworth was welcomed by the Supreme Ruler who wished him an enjoyable afternoon.

The main item on the agenda was to receive a talk entitled “Beneath the Southern Cross” by the Supreme Ruler. This most interesting talk was about the first settlers (convicts) sent to Australia. Incidentally, the ship’s Captain was also David Blackburn.
The Companions and Brethren of Warlingham Consistory and Conclave, and their guests, dined afterwards to a most convivial meal.
Article and photos by Chris Eley
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