Wednesday the 25th of January 2023 was a rather special day for Hill of Zion Conclave and Consistory as two of the Brethren were due to take their Princes Degree in the Conclave and then immediately afterwards take their 1st Grade in the Consistory.
The afternoon started with a meeting of the Conclave, which was opened by the Supreme Ruler, Wy.Bro. Donald McGarr. He welcomed the many guests and visitors, especially the Provincial Grand Supreme Ruler for Surrey, R.Wy.Bro. Colin Beerling, and the Deputy Provincial Grand Supreme Ruler, Wy.Bro. Ian Bloodworth. Also present was the Provincial Grand Summus for Surrey in the Order of the Scarlet Cord, R.Dist. Comp. Arnold Long, the Deputy Provincial Grand Summus, Dist.Comp. Nigel Thomson, and the Assistant Provincial Grand Summus, Dist.Comp. Simon McCarthy, who is also the Provincial Grand Director of Ceremonies in the OSM.

An In Memoriam to R.Wy.Bro. Laurie Young, Past Provincial Grand Supreme Ruler, was given by Chris Eley, an old friend. After the regular business of the Conclave was completed, the main item on the agenda was to Receive and Admit as Princes of the Order Brothers Lawson Ekpo, Adebayo Ajilogba, and George Etuk. The Ceremony was conducted by Wy.Bro. Robert Anderson, and R.Wy.Bro. Colin Beerling gave the explanation of the challenge. Brothers Lawson, Adebayo, and George were congratulated by the Provincial Grand Supreme Ruler and the Deputy Provincial Grand Supreme Ruler.

The Provincial Grand Supreme Ruler was then invited to present a Supreme Ruler Certificate to the Supreme Ruler, Wy.Bro. Donald McGarr, which he did in his usual informative way. Pursuant to notice of motion the members of the Conclave voted to make Ian Currans, Trevor Currans, and Mark Currans Honorary Members of the Hill of Zion Conclave in recognition of all they had done for the Conclave.

The Conclave was then closed and after the customary group photograph the Temple for rearranged for the Scarlet Cord Consistory meeting.

The Hill of Zion Consistory was opened by the President, Dist.Comp. James Smith. The Provincial Grand Director of Ceremonies, Dist.Comp. Ian Bloodworth, was admitted and informed Companion President that the Provincial Grand Summus, R.Dist.Comp. Arnold Long, was without and demanded admission. The Provincial Grand Summus accompanied by several Provincial Officers of the year entered through an Arch of Steel, was welcomed by the President, and accepted the Chair.

He said how good it was to be making his first Official Visit to Hill of Zion Consistory and introduced the Provincial team. He then had much pleasure in presenting several 3rd Grade Certificates and a Preparation Certificates to several Companions.

After taking the minutes, the Provincial Grand Summus returned the Chair to Companion President as he and his team had some work to do.
A ballot was taken for Brothers Lawson Ekpo and George Etuk as Candidates for Admission. This proved in their favour and Brothers Lawson and George were conferred with the 1st Grade of the Order by the Primus of Ostiarrii, Em.Comp. Donald McGarr. They were then congratulated by the Provincial Grand Summus.

As in the Conclave meeting, the members of the Consistory voted to make Ian Currans, Trevor Currans, and Mark Currans Honorary Members of the Hill of Zion Consistory in recognition of all they had done for the Consistory. The Provincial Grand Summus thanked the members of the Tzaddikim who had escorted his on his Official Visit.

The Consistory was then closed and after photographs we retired to the bar for refreshments before sitting down to a most convivial meal at the Croydon Masonic Hall.
Article and photos by Chris Eley
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