On Tuesday the 30th of November Warlingham Consistory No 134 conducted two Grade Ceremonies for Companions of the Order. Present, as members of the Consistory, were our Provincial Grand Summus, R.Dist.Comp. Arnold Long; our Deputy Provincial Grand Summus, Dist.Comp. Nigel Thomson; and our Assistant Provincial Grand Summus, Dist.Comp. Simon McCarthy, President.
The Consistory was opened by the President, Dist.Comp, Simon McCarthy, who welcomed the Provincial Grand Summus and our guests.
A ballot was taken for a joining member, Dist.Comp. Michael Ellis. This proved in his favour and Dist.Comp. Mike was welcomed into the Consistory by the President.
The next item on the agenda was to promote to the Third Grade of the Order, Companion Steve Harvey.
The ceremony was conducted in an excellent manner by Companion President and the Officers of the Consistory, ably assisted by Dist.Comp. Ian Bloodworth, Provincial Grand Director of Ceremonies, who acted as our Director of Ceremonies for the afternoon.
Companion Steve was congratulated by our Provincial Grand Summus, R.Dist.Comp. Arnold Long, then took his place as Third Lecturer for the next ceremony.

The next item on the agenda was to promote to the Second Grade of the Order, Companions Robert Short and Steve Jones of Warlingham Consistory No 134, and Companions Alan Boniface. Jeffrey Flint, Allan Thompson and Robert Woolloff of Surrey Consistory No 4TI. The representative candidate was Companion Robert Short.
The ceremony was again conducted in an excellent manner by the Primus of Lectores, Em.Comp. Bob Tuthill, and the Officers of the Consistory. Companions, Robert. Steve, Alan, Jeff, Allan and Bob were warmly congratulated by Companion President and R.Dist.Comp. Arnold Long.

Companion President thanked Dist.Comp. Ian Bloodworth on behalf of all the members of the Consistory for kindly acting as Director of Ceremonies. Em.Comp. Bob Tuthill was declared President, and Dist.Comp. Nigel Thomson was declared Treasurer for the ensuing year. The Consistory was then closed and the furniture re-arranged for the Warlingham OSM Conclave meeting that followed.
At the following meeting of Warlingham Conclave No 291 the Conclave was honoured with an Executive Visit from the Deputy Provincial Grand Supreme Ruler, Wy.Bro. Ian Bloodworth, accompanied by his Escorting Officer, Wy.Bro. Steve Jones, and several Provincial Grand Officers.
The main item on the agenda was for Wy.Bro. Chris Eley to induct as Supreme Ruler his old friend, Wy.Bro. David Blackburn, the District Grand Master of the District Grand Council of Surrey in the Order of Royal and Select Masters.

This was done in a very sincere manner by Wy.Bro. Chris, assisted by R.Wy.Bro. Mik Barnes, Past Provincial Grand Supreme Ruler.

Article and photos by Chris Eley
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