Following the Preparation Ceremony at Guildford, a meeting of Guildford Consistory No 53 was held. This was the first Executive Visit by our Deputy Provincial Grand Summus, Dist. Comp. Nigel Thomson, since his installation.

The Deputy Provincial Grand Summus entered under an Arch of Steel and was welcomed by the President, on behalf of all the Companions of the Consistory.

After the regular business of the Consistory had been concluded, Em.Comp. Derek Williamson was installed as President in an excellent manner by Dist.Comp. Barrie Selway, assisted by the Officers of the Consistory. The Officers were then appointed and invested.

The Deputy Provincial Grand Summus congratulated Dist.Comp. Derek and wished him an enjoyable year as President of Guildford Consistory.

He also thanked the members of the Tzaddikim, some of whom acted as his Arch of Steel at the last minute.
After the Consistory was closed, the Companions of Guildford Consistory and their guests sat down to a most convivial meal at the South West Surrey Masonic Centre.

Article and photos by Chris Eley
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