Just before the Annual Meeting of the Provincial Grand Senatus of Surrey, the Surrey Consistory No 4 T.I. held their Installation Meeting.
Present were some guests from other Provinces who had arrived early to attend our Annual Meeting, and some new Companions to our Order.

The Consistory was opened by the President, Dist.Comp. David Willmott, our Provincial Grand Treasurer, who welcomed the Companions.

Our Provincial Grand Summus, R.Dist.Comp. Arnold Long was saluted with seven under the direction of the Director of Ceremonies, Dist.Comp. Ian Bloodworth.
The main item on the agenda was to install Dist Comp. Simon McCarthy as President. This was done in a most sincere manner by Dist.Comp. David Willmott. Our Provincial Grand Summus gave the Address to the President in an exemplary manner.

After the Officers had been appointed and invested, the Consistory was closed, and we went downstairs to rehearse Simon’s installation as our new Assistant Provincial Grand Summus.
Article and photos by Chris Eley
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