On Thursday the 14th of July at Mark Masons Hall, 32 Brethren from France, Paraguay, and Greece took three grades in the Ancient and Masonic Order of the Scarlet Cord. There were 21 candidates from France, 6 from Paraguay, and 5 from Greece. The Ceremonies were held at an Emergency Meeting of The Brian Wareham Scarlet Cord Consistory T.I.
The First Grade Ceremony was conducted by a team from Surrey, the Second Grade Ceremony by a team from London, and the Third Grade Ceremony by a team from Grand Senatus.
The Surrey team, headed by the Provincial Grand Summus, R.Dist.Comp. Arnold Long, arrived early for rehearsals in the Temple. They are seen here with our Grand Summus, M.Dist.Comp. Ian S Currans, who is a Surrey Companion.

The President, R.Dist.Comp. Mik Barnes, Past Provincial Grand Summus, opened the Consistory.

The Primus of Lectores was Dist.Comp. Simon McCarthy and the Primus of Ostiarii was Dist.Comp. Mark Currans…

…the son of our Grand Summus. It was a real family affair as Mark’s uncle, R.Dist.Comp. Trevor Currans, was the Director of Ceremonies for the First Grade and Primus of Lectores for the Third Grade.

Prior to the Ceremonies, the Grand Summus outlined the plan for the day and thanked everyone for their support in ensuring that all the Candidates will have a very special day.

The Brethren were admitted and took their seats in the North and South. The representative Candidate, Bro. Michel Boubles, and the other 31 Candidates were Obligated, Entrusted, and Invested as Companions of the Scarlet Cord by Distinguished Companion Mark Currans, Primus of Ostiarii, and the Surrey Team in an excellent manner. Bro. Michel is the Grand Supreme Ruler for the Order of the Secret Monitor in France.
The Grand Summus then congratulated Companion Michel and the other Companions saying how Surrey had set the bar for what follows with a word-perfect ceremony, with not a single prompt.

After a short break it was the turn of the London team. The President was R.Dist.Comp. Jules Greenwall, the Provincial Grand Summus, the Primus of Lectores was Dist.Comp. Seirios Kokkalis, and the Primus of Ostiarii was Dist.Comp. Dr. Surjit S Bhalla, the Assistant Provincial Grand Summus.

The representative Candidate, Comp. Andreas Spyropoulos, and the other 31 Candidates were Obligated, Entrusted, and Invested as Lectors of the Scarlet Cord by Distinguished Companion Seirios Kokkalis, the Primus of Ostiarii, and the London Team in another excellent manner. Comp. Andreas is the Grand Master of the Great Priory of Greece.

The Grand Summus then congratulated Companion Andreas and the other Companions on taking their Second Grade.

Before we retired for refreshments and lunch, the Grand Summus, the Assistant Grand Summus and members of the London team posed for a photograph with the Candidates.

After refreshments we moved into the dining room for most convivial buffet lunch.

After lunch it was the turn of the team from Grand Senatus.

The President was M.Dist.Comp. Ian Currans, the Grand Summus; the Primus of Lectores was R.Dist.Comp. Christopher Barker; the Primus of Ostiarii was R.Dist.Comp. Trevor Currans; and the Director of Ceremonies was R.Dist.Comp. Phillip Purves. I had the honour of acting as Recorder in all three ceremonies.

The representative Candidate, Comp. Jose Fernandez Zacur, and the other thirty one Candidates were Obligated, Entrusted, and Invested as Fellows of the Scarlet Cord by Most Distinguished Companion Ian S Currans, the President, and the Grand Senatus Team in yet another excellent manner. Comp. Jose Fernandez is the Grand Master of the Gran Logia Simbolica Del Paraguay.
The Consistory was closed and the Grand Summus, the Assistant Grand Summus and the Grand team retired in procession to end a truly amazing day.

To view all the photos of the day – click here.
Article and photos by Chris Eley
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