The Annual Provincial Grand Senatus of Hampshire, Isle of Wight and the Channel Islands was held on the 5th March 2022 at Botley, near Southampton, with the Provincial Grand Summus, R Dist Comp Ian Martin Campbell in the chair.
Surrey was represented by our Provincial Grand Summus and his Deputy, along with our Provincial Grand Director of Ceremonies, Ian “Archie” Parsons, who was actually there in his capacity of the Hampshire Provincial Grand Director of Ceremonies. Archie retired from this office after eight years and was promoted to Past Provincial Grand Chancellor.

The agenda was unusual in one respect – during the meeting, a Preparation Ceremony was held for some eight Companions, many of whom had had to wait nearly two years for the opportunity to become Eminent because of the Covid lockdown.
During the meeting the Provincial Grand Summus said that he hoped another Consistory would soon be consecrated on the Isle of Wight, thus giving the Province Consistories on three islands!
After the meeting, the Companions dined on a fine meal of soup, roast beef and fruit salad, which unfortunately, the Companions from Jersey were unable to enjoy, their flight over being cancelled.
The photograph shows, left to right, R Dist Comp Arnold Long, Dist Comp Ian Parsons, the Hampshire Provincial Grand Summus, , R Dist Comp Ian Campbell, and Dist Comp Nigel Thomson, Deputy Provincial Grand Summus.
Article and photos by Nigel Thomson
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