The 23rd of February 2022 was a special day for the Companions of Surrey Consistory No 4 T.I. Not only were they were honoured to receive the Provincial Grand Summus, R.Dist.Comp. Arnold Long, on his first official visit to a Consistory this year, but they also had four Candidates to take the 1st Grade of the Order.

The Consistory was opened by the Acting President, R.Dist.Comp. Mik Barnes, Past Provincial Grand Summus. The Provincial Grand Summus entered through an Arch of Steel and was welcomed by the President. R.Dist. Comp Arnold took the Chair for a few minutes saying how pleased he was to be at Surrey Consistory and introduced the Provincial team, thanking them for coming along the support his first official visit.
After the minutes were taken and the accounts approved, the Consistory voted to donate the sum of £50 each to four charities, one of which was the Surrey Mark 2022 MBF Festival.
A ballot was taken for Brothers David Harrison and Barry Northmore of Pride of Surrey Conclave No 118; and Allan Thomson, Bob Woolloff and Nigel Harding of Surbiton Conclave No 299, to be admitted into the 1st Grade of the Order.
Brothers Allan Bob, Barry and Nigel were Obligated, Entrusted and Invested as Companions of the Order, 1st Grade, in an excellent manner by Em.Comp. Graham Rawlinson, ably assisted by R.Dist.Comp. Michael Barnes, Past Provincial Grand Summus, who communicated the signs and words, before investing the Candidates.
The Candidates were congratulated and welcomed into the Order by the Provincial Grand Summus and welcomed into the Consistory by the President.

Em.Comp. Simon McCarthy was declared as President Elect and Comp. Wally Maynard was declared as Treasurer for the ensuing year.
After the meeting was closed, the Provincial Grand Summus posed for a photograph with members of the Provincial team…

…and the members of the Provincial Grand Tzaddikim.

After a few drinks in the bar the Companions of Surrey Consistory and their guests sat down to a most enjoyable lunch at the Surbiton Masonic Hall.
Article and photos by Chris Eley
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