Due to the continuing concerns over Covid, the Annual Meeting of the Provincial Grand Senatus of London was held as a Virtual Business Meeting using the Zoom video conferencing tool. The meeting was attended by many members of the Provincial Grand Senatus of London, and Provincial Grand Summi and Companions from several other Provinces.

From Surrey there was our Provincial Grand Summus, R.Dist. Comp. Arnold Long; our Deputy Provincial Grand Summus, Dist. Comp. Nigel Thomson; and our Provincial Grand Recorder, Dist.Comp. Chris Eley.
By 11.00 a.m. 38 Companions had joined the meeting. R.Dist. Companion Colin Robert Woodcock, M.B.E., Provincial Grand Summus of London, declared the meeting open and the Provincial Grand Recorder, Dist.Comp. Trevor Gray, read the Permission to hold a Virtual Business Meeting.

The Provincial Grand Summus welcomed all the guests and visitors said how pleased he was that on this occasion there was no need to read an In Memorium.
After the regular business had been concluded the Provincial Grand Summus re appointed V.Dist.Comp. Jules L Greenwall as Deputy Provincial Grand Summus and Dist.Comp. Dr. Surjit S Bhalla as Assistant Provincial Grand Summus. The Provincial Appointments and Promotions were then confirmed. Most Officers were reappointed in office for a further year. The Provincial Grand Summus then gave a short address.

He said how pleased he was to see so many Provincial Grand Summi and other guests at the meeting. He was disappointed not to be able to hold a face-to-face meeting but, due to concerns over travelling to London, numbers were low. He congratulated those honoured with Grand Rank, as well as those appointed to Provincial Grand Rank.
The Provincial Grand Summus announced that he will be retiring from Monday and that V.Dist.Comp. Jules Greenwall, the Deputy Provincial Grand Summus, will be in charge from Tuesday. The Provincial Grand Summus said that change is a good thing and that he has thoroughly enjoyed his time in office, and he will miss everyone’s company.
He thanked all the Consistory Recorders for their support, as well as those who had worked hard to make this Zoom meeting such a success. The Provincial Grand Summus then thanked everyone for attending and declared the meeting closed.
Afterwards many Companions stayed on the Zoom to wish R.Dist.Comp. Colin every success in the future, including our own Provincial Grand Summus.

Article and photos by Chris Eley, Provincial Grand Recorder
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