On Thursday 28th October 2021 at the South West Surrey Masonic Centre, Guildford, an Emergency Meeting of the Provincial Grand Senatus of Surrey was held to conduct the Preparation Ceremony for the office of President for four Companions of the Third Grade. The Ceremony was conducted by our Provincial Grand Summus, assisted by his Provincial Officers.

Provincial Grand Senatus was opened in the First Grade of the Order by the Provincial Grand Summus, who welcomed everyone to Guildford and thanked them for attending to support the Province. The Consistory was then adjourned in the First Grade and the Provincial Grand Summus gave a short preamble as to why an Emergency meeting and its purpose, and briefly welcomed the guests.
The Consistory was opened in the Third Grade and the Companion Director of Ceremonies, presented the candidates; Companions Graham Rawlinson of Surrey Consistory No 4 TI; Jim Smith and Alastair Richardson of Hill of Zion Consistory No 52 TI; and Barrie Selway of Guildford Consistory No 53.

The Provincial Grand Summus and his officers then proceeded to put the questions to the Candidates. The Provincial Grand Summus designated the Candidates as Eminent Companions saying that the patent which they will receive will be signed by the Most Distinguished Grand Summus and qualify them to be installed as a President of a Consistory.

The Consistory was closed in the Third Grade and resumed in the First Grade of the Order. The Provincial Grand Summus then closed Provincial Grand Senatus in due form.

After a short break for tea, a meeting of Guildford Consistory No 53 was held. This was the first Executive Visit by our Provincial Grand Summus in the current Masonic Year.
At the meeting Em.Comp. Barrie Selway was installed as President by Dist.Comp. John Coleman, ably assisted by R.Dist. Comp. Michael Barnes, Past Provincial Grand Summus. Em.Comp. Barrie had only taken his Preparation Ceremony less than one hour before he was installed as President – is this a record?
Many thanks to the team at Mark Masons Hall for making this possible and issuing Barry with his Certificate in advance of his Ceremony.
Article and photos by Chris Eley, Provincial Grand Recorder
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