A very special meeting of the Hill of Zion Consistory No 52 TI took place at Croydon Masonic Halls on Thursday 16th September 2021, when the son of our Grand Summus was installed as President of the Consistory.
The Consistory was opened by the President, Dist.Comp. Tamba John, Prov.G.Stwd., who welcomed everyone to the meeting, with a special welcome to the Provincial Grand Summus, R.Dist.Comp. Arnold Long.

The main item on the agenda was to Install Em.Comp. Mark Currans, Provincial Grand Steward, as President. This was done in a very sincere manner by Dist.Comp. Tamba, assisted by his Director of Ceremonies, M.Dist.Comp. Ian Currans and his Assistant Director of Ceremonies, R.Dist.Comp. Trevor Currans.

Comp. James Smith was invested as Primus of Lectorus and Comp. Alastair Richardson was Invested as Primus of Ostiarii. The Address to the President was given by M.Dist.Comp. Ian Currans in an excellent manner.
When Mark invested his dad as his Director of Ceremonies, Mark was heard to say, “If you do well, who know you might have a bright future in this Order”.

After the appointment and investiture of the officers and the regular business of the Consistory had been completed the Consistory was closed and we all enjoyed a most convivial meal at the Croydon Masonic Hall.
It was a very special day for Ian, Trevor and Mark Currans.
Article and photos by Chris Eley, Provincial Grand Recorder
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