The first Virtual Business Meeting of Hill of Zion Consistory No 52 T.I. took place on Friday 16th April.
The Consistory was opened by the Presiding Officer, Dist.Comp. Tamba John, President. The Recorder, Dist.Comp. Robert Anderson read the Letter of Permission to hold the meeting and the Dispensation. The Presiding Officer welcomed all the guests and visitors, especially R.Dist. Comp. Arnold Long our Provincial Grand Summus, and Dist Comp Colin M Beerling the Provincial Grand Supreme Ruler of the Provincial Grand Conclave of Surrey.

After the minutes had been approved and the accounts received the Companions voted to elect Companion Mark Currans as President for the ensuing year.
Our Provincial Grand Summus, R.Dist. Comp. Arnold Long, said that we are planning to hold our Annual Meeting at Surbiton on Thursday 15th July 2021 when he will be delighted to invest the Provincial Officers in person.
The Grand Summus, M.Dist.Comp. Ian Currans, congratulated Dist.Comp.Colin Beerling on his first appointment to Past Grand Herald; and Dist.Comp. Nigel Thomson on his first appointment to Past Grand Sword Bearer. He looks forward to investing them at the meeting of Grand Senatus on the 2nd September 2021 at Mark Masons Hall.
The Presiding Officer thanked everyone for attending and declared the meeting closed.
Article and photos by Chris Eley, Provincial Grand Recorder
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