Due to the suspension of Masonic activity the Annual Meeting of the Provincial Grand Senatus of Devon and Cornwall was held as a Virtual Business Meeting using the Zoom video conferencing tool. Attending the meeting on the 9th March 2021 was the Grand Summus, M.Dist.Comp. Ian Stanley Currans; Deputy Grand Summus, R.Dist.Comp. Francis Charles Spencer; Assistant Grand Summus, R.Dist.Comp Howard Saul Markham; the Grand Recorder, R.Dist.Comp. Ryan A Williams; and the Assistant Grand Recorder, Dist.Comp. Dan Heath.

The meeting was attended by many members of the Provincial Grand Senatus of Devon and Cornwall, and Provincial and District Grand Summi and Companions from the Provinces in England and Wales and Districts overseas.
From Surrey there was our Provincial Grand Summus, R.Dist. Comp. Arnold Long; Past Provincial Grand Summus, R.Dist. Comp. Louis Keats; Deputy Provincial Grand Summus, Dist. Comp. Nigel Thomson; Past Deputy Provincial Grand Summus, Dist. Comp. Ian Smith; Provincial Grand Registrar, Em.Comp. Bob Tuthill and our Provincial Grand Recorder, Em.Comp. Chris Eley.
By 11.00 a.m. just over 100 Companions had joined the meeting. Dist. Companion Kenneth Barrington Chalkley, M.B.E., the Provincial Grand Summus Designate, declared the meeting open and welcomed all present. The Provincial Grand Recorder, Dist.Comp. Trevor Conroy, read the Permission to hold a Virtual Business Meeting.

The Provincial Grand Summus Designate welcomed the Grand Summus, M.Dist.Comp. Ian Stanley Currans, who addressed the Companions.

The Grand Summus requested the Grand Recorder, R.Dist.Comp. Ryan A Williams, to read the Patent of Appointment.

The Grand Summus then formally confirmed R.Dist.Comp. Companion Kenneth Barrington Chalkley, M.B.E., as the Provincial Grand Summus for the Provincial Grand Senatus of Devon and Cornwall. The Provincial Grand Summus formally confirmed Dist. Comp. Trevor Conroy as Deputy Provincial Grand Summus of Devon and Cornwall and V.Dist. Comp Roger Frank Guest as Assistant Provincial Grand Summus.
The Provincial Grand Summus read the names of the Companions appointed to and promoted in Provincial Grand Rank. The Provincial Grand Summus congratulated those who have received appointment or promotion in the Provincial Grand Senatus of Devon and Cornwall and then addressed Provincial Grand Senatus.

The Provincial Grand Summus thanked everyone for attending and declared the meeting closed.
Article and photos by Chris Eley, Provincial Grand Recorder
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