Due to the suspension of Masonic activity the Annual Meeting of the Provincial Grand Senatus of Hampshire and Isle of Wight was held as a Virtual Business Meeting using the Zoom video conferencing tool. Attending the meeting was the Grand Summus, M.Dist.Comp. Ian Stanley Currans; the Assistant Grand Summus, R. Dist. Comp. Howard Saul Markham; and the Grand Recorder, R.Dist.Comp. Ryan A Williams.

The meeting was attended by many members of the Provincial Grand Senatus of Hampshire and Isle of Wight, and Provincial Grand Summi and Companions from a number of other Provinces. From Surrey there was our Provincial Grand Summus, R.Dist. Comp. Arnold Long; Past Provincial Grand Summi, R.Dist. Comps. Michael Barnes and Louis Keats; Deputy Provincial Grand Summus, Dist. Comp. Nigel Thomson; Past Deputy Provincial Grand Summus, Dist. Comp. Ian Smith and our Provincial Grand Recorder, Em.Comp. Chris Eley.
By 11.30 a.m. 100 Companions had joined the meeting. R.Dist. Comp. Ian Martin Campbell, Provincial Grand Summus of Hampshire and Isle of Wight, declared the meeting open and the Provincial Grand Recorder, Comp. Alan Burton, read the Permission to hold a Virtual Business Meeting.

The Provincial Grand Summus welcomed all the guests and visitors from Grand Senatus, Provincial Grand Senatus and from other Orders within the Province. The Provincial Grand Summus said how please he was to re-appoint V.Dist.Comp. Richard Bachelor as Deputy Provincial Grand Summus and Dist.Comp. Kenneth Rondel as Assistant Provincial Grand Summus thanking them for their support over the past year. The Provincial Grand Summus asked the Provincial Grand Recorder to read the names of the Companions appointed to and promoted in Provincial Grand Rank. The Provincial Grand Summus congratulated those who have received appointment or promotion in the Provincial Grand Senatus of Hampshire and Isle of Wight. The Provincial Grand Summus then addressed Provincial Grand Senatus.

The Provincial Grand Summus invited the Grand Summus, M.Dist. Comp. Ian Stanley Currans, to address the meeting. He said how much he had enjoyed the meeting and spoke about how well the Order was doing despite these challenging times and how much he was looking at moving the Order forward once meetings were allowed again.

The Grand Recorder, R.Dist.Comp. Ryan Williams, spoke about what the future could look like depending in the Government’s Road Map and how successful the Scarlet Cord has been in embracing the Virtual Business Meeting concept with meetings all over the world.

The Provincial Grand Summus then thanked everyone for attending and declared the meeting closed.
Article and photos by Chris Eley, Provincial Grand Recorder
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