To: All Provincial/Divisional/District Heads of Orders and Regional Grand Prefects in England
Dear Sir and Brother,
In view of the Prime Minister’s announcement on Saturday evening that a new lockdown is to be imposed across England later this week, all face to face meetings will be suspended from 12.01 a.m. on Thursday, 5 November 2020 until further notice.
This suspension supersedes any local suspensions currently in place. Units due to hold meetings during the lockdown should be encouraged to make use of the Virtual Business Meeting Scheme instead. Reference should be made to page 2 of the guidance note issued on 18 September 2020, which sets out the administrative procedures to be followed when a Unit holds a Virtual Business Meeting instead of a face to face gathering.
This announcement is made in conjunction with a similar communication being issued by the United Grand Lodge of England and Supreme Grand Chapter this morning.
With fraternal regards and best wishes.

R.W.Bro. Ryan A Williams, P.G.J.W.
Grand Secretary
Click here to download the letter from Grand Lodge
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