To: All Provincial/Divisional/District Heads of Orders and Regional Grand Prefects in England
Dear Sir and Brother,
Changes to the rules relating to social gatherings in England and what this means for masonic meetings
When I wrote to you on Wednesday about the impact that the introduction of the new Covid-19 safety rules might have on masonic meetings in England, I said that I was working closely with the United Grand Lodge to England to establish the definitive legal position before issuing any statement clarifying what should happen.
I am now able to confirm that, in response to the new laws which are expected to come into effect tomorrow, meetings of all Units in England belonging to the Orders administered from Mark Masons’ Hall are to be restricted to no more than six with immediate effect.
Whilst larger meetings in Covid-secure venues are permitted by the new laws, it was felt that it would send entirely the wrong message to our members, and to the public, if meetings of over six people took place at this time. Mark Masons’ Hall remains committed to following appropriate official guidance, and to be seen to do so, whilst allowing individuals and their Units to decide what is right for their own circumstances.
Our earlier guidance about the wearing of face coverings in masonic meetings remains in place and should always be adhered to. Those who are exempt under the law are not expected to wear them at masonic meetings.
This update applies only to Provinces in England. In Wales, legislation still prevents any masonic meetings from taking place currently.
With fraternal regards and best wishes.

R.W.Bro. Ryan A Williams, P.G.J.W.
Grand Secretary
Click here to download the letter from Grand Lodge
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