Due to the suspension of Masonic activity the Annual Meeting of the Provincial Grand Senatus of Surrey was held as a Virtual Business Meeting using the Zoom video conferencing tool.
Attending the meeting was the Grand Summus, M.Dist.Comp. Ian Stanley Currans, attended by over 30 Officers of Grand Senatus. There were over 40 members of the Provincial Grand Senatus of Surrey and 90 Provincial and District Grand Summi and Companions from the Provinces in England and Wales and Districts overseas. We also had Companions joining us from Australia, the USA and Canada, which was tremendous support for our meeting considering the different time zones.

By 6 p.m. 170 Companions had joined the meeting. The Provincial Grand Summus Designate, Arnold Long, declared the meeting open and welcomed all present. The Provincial Grand Recorder, Em.Comp. Chris Eley, read the Exemption from the Notice of General Suspension.

The Provincial Grand Episcopus announced that since our last meeting Comp Michael Christopher Frangos, a member of Hill of Zion Consistory N0 52 T.I., was called to Higher Service on 12th May 2020. The Minutes of the last Annual Meeting of Provincial Grand Senatus held on Thursday, 18th July 2019 were confirmed by the Companions.
The Provincial Grand Summus Designate welcomed the Grand Summus, M.Dist.Comp. Ian Stanley Currans who addressed the Companions. Click here to read the Address.

He then requested the Grand Recorder, R.Dist.Comp. Ryan A Williams, to read the Patent of Appointment.

The Grand Summus then formally confirmed R.Dist.Comp. Arnold Long as the Provincial Grand Summus for the Provincial Grand Senatus of Surrey.
The Provincial Grand Summus requested the Provincial Grand Recorder to read the Patent of Appointment for the Deputy Provincial Grand Summus following which the Provincial Grand Summus formally confirmed Dist.Comp. Nigel Thomson as the Deputy Provincial Grand Summus. The Provincial Grand Summus requested the Provincial Grand Recorder to read the Patent of Appointment for the Assistant Provincial Grand Summus following which the Provincial Grand Summus formally confirmed Dist.Comp. Christopher Francis Hatton, P.G.Swd.B. as the Assistant Provincial Grand Summus.

Em.Comp. David M Willmott was elected as the Provincial Grand Treasurer .

The Provincial Grand Summus asked the Provincial Grand Recorder to read the names of the Companions appointed to and promoted in Provincial Grand Rank. The Provincial Grand Summus congratulated those who have received appointment or promotion in the Provincial Grand Senatus of Surrey.

The Provincial Grand Summus announced that this year we will be supporting the Surrey Mark 2022 Festival with a donation of £1,000. Dist.Comp. Ian Clark, Provincial Grand Master of the Mark Province of Surrey, thanked the R.Dist. Provincial Grand Summus and the Companions for their kind donation.

The Provincial Grand Summus addressed Provincial Grand Senatus - click here to read the Address.

Many thanks to the Mark Province of Surrey for letting us use their Zoom account to hold the meeting, and to W.Bro. Tim Ford, Provincial Grand Secretary of the Mark Province of Surrey, for running the technical side of the meeting for us.
The Provincial Grand Summus then thanked everyone for attending and declared the meeting closed.
Article and photos by Chris Eley, Provincial Grand Recorder
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