In October 2019 Guildford Consistory No 53 was honoured to receive the Assistant Provincial Grand Summus, Dist.Comp. Chris Hatton, and a number of Provincial Officers of the year. Also present was the Provincial Grand Summus, R.Dist.Comp. Louis Keats; the Deputy Provincial Grand Summus, V.Dist.Comp. Arnold Long; and the Past Provincial Grand Summus, R.Dist.Comp. Michael Barnes.
The Consistory was opened by the President, Dist.Comp. Alastair Mackenzie. The Consistory received the Assistant Provincial Grand Summus, who entered through an Arch of Steel and was welcomed by the President.
After the minutes were taken, Em.Comp. John Coleman was Installed and Proclaimed as the President of the Guildford Consistory number 53 and the Officers of the year were invested. The Address to the President was given by Dist.Comp. Alastair Mackenzie.

Dist.Comp. John Coleman was congratulated by Dist.Comp. Chris Hatton who wished him a most successful and enjoyable year.

R.Dist.Comp. Louis Keats proposed that a charitable donation of £500 be made by the Conclave to Lifelites. This was approved by the Companions and Dist.Comp. John Coleman had much pleasure in presenting a cheque to our Provincial Grand Summus.

After a few drinks in the bar the Companions of Guildford Consistory and their guests sat down to a most enjoyable festive board at the Guildford Masonic Hall.

Article and photos by Chris Eley
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