In October 2019 an Emergency Meeting of the Provincial Grand Senatus of Surrey was held at the Guildford Masonic Centre. The meeting was presided over by the Provincial Grand Summus, R.Dist.Comp. Louis Keats, assisted by the Deputy Provincial Grand Summus, V.Dist.Comp. Arnold Long, the Assistant Provincial Grand Summus, Dist.Comp. Chris Hatton, and the Past Provincial Grand Summus, R.Dist.Comp. Michael Barnes.
Provincial Grand Senatus was opened by the Provincial Grand Summus. The Provincial Grand Summus was saluted with seven by the Companions under the direction of the Provincial Grand Director of Ceremonies. Officers who were unable to attend the Annual Meeting of Provincial Grand Senatus in July were presented and invested.
Provincial Grand Senatus was adjourned and the Provincial Grand Summus invited R.Dist.Comp. Michael Barnes to conduct the Ceremony of Preparation.
A Consistory was opened in the Third Grade. The Preparation Ceremony for the office of President, was conducted for the Companions of the Third Grade who had been nominated by the Provincial Grand Summus; Comps. Chris Eley, Simon McCarthy and Mark Donovan of Surrey Consistory № 4 TI; and Comp. Robert Anderson of Hill of Zion Consistory № 52 TI.

The Provincial Grand Summus thanked all those who had assisted with the ceremony, particularly those that had stood in at short notice.
The Consistory was closed in the Third Grade and resumed in the First Grade. Provincial Grand Senatus was then closed by the Provincial Grand Summus.

We then retired to prepare for the Installation meeting of Guildford Consistory which followed.
Article and photos by Chris Eley
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