In July 2019, Surrey Consistory No 4 T.I. was honoured to receive the Provincial Grand Summus, R.Dist.Comp. Louis Maurice Keats, the Assistant Grand Summus, Right Distinguished Companion, Howard S Markham and a number of guests.
The Consistory was opened by the President, Dist.Comp. Harry Smith, who welcomed the Provincial Grand Summus, the Assistant Grand Summus and other guests.
After the minutes were taken, Dist.Comp. Harry invited R.Dist.Comp. Michael Barnes to install Em.Comp. Colin Beerling as President. After the Officers had been invested R.Dist.Comp. Michael Barnes gave the Charge.

After the meeting was closed the members of the Surrey Consistory and their guests joined the Annual Meeting of the Provincial Grand Senatus of Surrey which followed the Surrey Consistory meeting.
Article and photo by Chris Eley
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