The Annual Meeting of the Provincial Grand Senatus of Surrey was held at the Surbiton Masonic Hall on Thursday 18th July 2019.
A team of volunteers gathered at Glenmore House early that morning to prepare the changing rooms and the Temple for the arrival of the Companions. Coffee and bacon butties were gratefully received, and faithfully applied.

Joining us for the meeting was the Assistant Grand Summus, Right Distinguished Companion, Howard S Markham.

In the meantime the Provincial Tzaddikim were busy rehearsing in the Temple.

The visiting Right Distinguished Companions entered the Temple in Procession following which the Right Distinguished Provincial Grand Summus, R.Dist. Comp Louis Maurice Keats, entered the Temple in procession accompanied by the Provincial Grand Officers of the Year.

Provincial Grand Senatus was opened in due form and the Provincial Grand Summus was saluted with seven under direction of the Provincial Grand Director of Ceremonies. Right Distinguished Companion, Howard S Markham, Assistant Grand Summus, was received and welcomed by the Provincial Grand Summus. The R.Dist. Assistant Grand Summus was saluted with nine under the direction of the Deputy Grand Director of Ceremonies.
The Provincial Grand Summus welcomed honoured guests of the Province and other Distinguished Companions. Other Right Distinguished Companions were saluted with seven under the direction of the Provincial Grand Director of Ceremonies.
The Minutes of last year's meeting of Provincial Grand Senatus held on 19th July 2018 were confirmed by the Companions. The Roll of Provincial Grand Officers was called following which the Roll of Consistories in the Province was called and the members of each Consistory rose and indicated their presence with a court bow to the East.
The Provincial Grand Summus welcomed Companions who had been admitted to the Order since the last Annual Meeting. The Companions were presented to the Provincial Grand Summus who warmly welcomed them into the Order and the Province.
The Accounts were then adopted. The Provincial Grand Summus thanked the Treasurer and Account Auditors for their endeavours. The Provincial Grand Summus announced that he had received only one nomination for the post of Provincial Grand Treasurer, Dist. Comp. David Willmott, who was declared elected Provincial Grand Treasurer for the ensuing year.
Charitable donations to the Surrey Mark 2022 Festival and the Blood Bikes were proposed and approved by the Companions. The Provincial Grand Summus had much pleasure in presenting a green slip to Dist.Comp. Ian Clark, Provincial Grand Master of the Mark Province of Surrey.

Dist.Comp. Ian thanked the Provincial Grand Summus and the Companions on behalf of the Mark Province of Surrey for their generous donation of £1,000.
The Provincial Grand Summus thanked Dist. Comp. Ian Smith for his support as Deputy Provincial Grand Summus and was pleased to announce the appointment of Very Dist. Comp. Arnold Long, PGLect, as Deputy Provincial Grand Summus.
The Provincial Grand Director of Ceremonies, Dist. Comp. Ian Parsons, formed a procession to escort the Deputy Provincial Grand Summus into Provincial Grand Senatus. Very Dist. Comp. Arnold Long was presented, obligated and invested as the Deputy Provincial Grand Summus and took his place in Provincial Grand Senatus. The Provincial Grand Director of Ceremonies called the Companions of the Provincial Grand Senatus to Order and Very Dist. Comp. Arnold Long was proclaimed, and saluted by the Companions. Very Dist. Comp. Arnold thanked the Companions for their salutation.
The Provincial Grand Summus announced the appointment of Dist. Comp. Chris Hatton as Assistant Provincial Grand Summus.

The Provincial Grand Director of Ceremonies, formed a procession to escort the Assistant Provincial Grand Summus into Provincial Grand Senatus. Dist. Comp. Chris Hatton was presented, obligated and invested as the Assistant Provincial Grand Summus and took his place in Provincial Grand Senatus. The Deputy Provincial Grand Director of Ceremonies called the Companions of the Provincial Grand Senatus to Order and Dist. Comp. Chris Hatton was proclaimed, and saluted by the Companions. Dist. Comp. Chris thanked the Companions for their salutation.
A total of 26 appointments and promotions to Provincial Grand Rank were made. The R Dist Provincial Grand Summus was pleased to appoint the Captain, Deputy Captain and Members of the Tzaddikim and he then inspected his personal Tzaddikim.
The Provincial Grand Summus then addressed Provincial Grand Senatus. During his address he had much pleasure in presenting Dist. Comp. Jack Love with a Certificate of Merit award.

Provincial Grand Senatus was closed in due form and the Right Distinguished Provincial Grand Summus retired in procession accompanied by the Deputy and Assistant Provincial Grand Summus, Right Distinguished Companions, and Honoured Guests. Joining us was W.Bro. Richard Wileman, Deputy Provincial Grand Master of the Craft Province of Surrey. W.Bro. Richard is also the Inspector General of the District of Surrey in the Ancient and Accepted Rite.

After a few drinks in the bar the Companions of the Province of Surrey and their guests enjoyed an excellent and convivial Festive Board in the Elizabethan Suite.

To view all the photos of the day – click here.
Article by Chris Eley and photos by Bob Tuthill
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