In May, I was invited along to the Earl of Zetland Chapter in London to assist the Chapter by acting as MEZ. Also present was our Provincial Grand Summus, E.Comp. Louis Keats, the Third Principal of the Chapter.

The main item on the agenda was an address by the Scribe E, E.Comp. Michael Barnes, (Past Provincial Grand Summus) entitled ‘Arches’. This most interesting and informative address was very well received and prompted a good discussion afterwards.
Present were the Provincial Grand Master of the Mark Province of Surrey, Ian Clark, the Chapter DC; the District Grand Master of the Royal & Select Masters District of Surrey, David Blackburn, who acted as Principal Sojourner; and E.Comp. Chris Cradock, the Provincial Sub Prior in the Provincial Priory of Surrey, Knights Templar. Also present was the Deputy Grand Superintendent Designate of the Royal Arch Province of Surrey, E.Comp. Richard Knox.
After the Chapter was closed we all went along to the Imperial Hotel, Russell Square, for a most convivial festive board.
Article and photograph by Chris Eley
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