In September Richard Baker, was Installed into the Chair of Brighthelmstone Council of Royal and Select Masters No. 15.

Also present was Em.Comp. Ian Clark, Provincial Grand Master of the Mark Province of Surrey and Chris Eley Assistant Provincial Grand Master, and Alastair Richardson, members of Warlingham Conclave.
The meeting was held in the Sussex Masonic Centre in Brighton. Present at the meeting was the District Grand Master Designate, Ill.Comp. Bernard Marchant with his Escorting Officer.
After Richard had been installed as the Thrice Illustrious Master he received and acknowledged three Companions as Super Excellent Masters in a most sincere manner.
After the meeting the members of Brighthelmstone Council and their many guests sat down to a splendid meal in the Sussex Masonic Centre where our Provincial Grand Summus was served his favourite dish – carrots.
Article and photos by Chris Eley
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